
Acceptance of the William J. Grize Diversity Hall of Fame Award

“Women’s Day at the LPGA” presented by the Network of Executive Women

By Mike Duke

June 28, 2012

“Women’s Day at the LPGA” presented by the Network of Executive Women

Remarks as prepared for Mike Duke

Thank you, Alison. It is such an honor to be inducted into the Diversity Hall of Fame.

As you know, I am a big fan and supporter of the Network of Executive Women, and I share your determination to increase diversity and inclusion in the CPG industry.

We know that to win the war for talent, we must be intentional about hiring and developing the best people. 

We know that we must ensure there is training, opportunity, role models and mentors -- that we must engage women fully at all levels: suppliers, associates, customers. 

Yes, it’s good for business.  But for me, it is about much more. This is a personal commitment.   That is why I created the President’s Global Council of Women Leaders.

At Walmart, we also have:

  • Mentor programs
  • Women’s Resource Council
  • Women’s Officer Caucus
  • Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative

Many of you in this room probably know that research shows companies with more women in leadership are also more successful. 

At Walmart, the number of women in our U.S. workforce, on our board and at the officer level exceeds both the retail average and the Fortune 500 average. But we can and will do better.

Gender diversity is crucial, especially as we become an increasingly global company. I feel I have a personal responsibility to make Walmart and our industry a place of opportunity for women.

This recognition – and the tireless work of the Network of Executive Women – inspires me to work even harder and reach even higher. Thank you for this honor, and thank you for your partnership.
