
A Fight Worth Having: Walmart, American Cancer Society Band Together Against HPV-Related Cancers

Sep. 13, 2023

Walmart's Pharmacy Front

The fight against cancer is hard to understand until it hits home. I should know. As a teenager I watched the single mother I babysat for succumb to breast cancer, leaving her young children behind. That horrible feeling of hopelessness would repeat itself several times throughout my life as I’d later watch my father live with skin cancer, see my mom and sister tackle breast cancer, and witness my cousin’s failed battle with colon cancer.

I even had my own scare when I dealt with human papillomavirus (HPV), which can sometimes lead to related cancers later in life. While everyone’s experience is different, I can assuredly say that none of us wants cancer – and we need to prevent those we love from the risk of cancer. Loss of life is real, and very painful.  

Prevention is possible with HPV-related cancers, which is why I’m so proud to announce Walmart’s role in partnering with the American Cancer Society to offer the HPV-vaccine to boys and girls, starting at age 9, at pharmacies around the country. 
Why so young? Because prevention has to start early.  
HPV is responsible for nearly 37, 300 cases of cancer in the U.S. each year and is highly preventable with vaccinations. 1 The HPV vaccine provides more than 90% protection against infections and precancers, and with no evidence of waning effectiveness over time, the vaccine offers long-lasting protection – saving millions of lives when administered at the recommended ages. 
To help make that recommendation a reality, Walmart stepped in. With stores within 10 miles of 90% of the U.S. population, we have the reach to make community health care easier and more impactful for families everywhere. Our pharmacies are easy to use, too, with appointments available hassle-free on our website.  
Together, we can make progress in the fight against cancer. To learn about Walmart’s partnership with the ACS, read more here. To find the Walmart pharmacy nearest you, or make an appointment for a child in your life, click here.

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How Many Cancers Are Linked With HPV Each Year? October 3, 2022. Accessed June 14, 2023. https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/hpv/statistics/cases.htm#5)
