
What is Walmart doing to promote responsible labor practices in the supply chain?

Many of the challenges we seek to address in our global supply chains are not unique to Walmart, and we are collaborating with our peers and key stakeholders to strengthen and standardize expectations for suppliers to drive transformation across supply chains.

Our Human Rights Statement serves as the foundation of our approach to human rights, grounded in Walmart’s values and confirming our respect for and commitment to upholding human rights across our operations and supply chain. We are mindful that many adverse human rights risks are complex and can be the result of systemic issues, so we also work collaboratively with other stakeholders to inform our approach and identify root causes, share our work with others and use our leverage to help drive positive change.

We communicate our fundamental expectations to suppliers on social conditions, worker safety and integrity in the workplace through our Standards for Suppliers. Suppliers, their facilities and agents are expected to comply with these standards throughout the product value chain. Among our requirements are no involuntary or underage labor, provide a safe work environment and follow all applicable laws and agreements regarding compensation and work hours.

Not only do we set these expectations for our suppliers, but we also require our suppliers to submit third-party social and safety audits. Walmart will investigate non-compliance with our Standards for Suppliers. We also take a risk-based approach to our Responsible Sourcing program, focusing on geographies and actions that pose a greater risk to workers. Forced and underage labor is a key area for Walmart’s Responsible Sourcing team, and an area where we focus greater attention and resources to help prevent it from occurring throughout the global supply chain.

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